Since You Put It That Way

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Episode #29 | May 17, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 8
Yes, you read that right! Dr. Ramona Wallace, an osteopath who does research and teaching in the public health sector, has found scurvy among her patients--often, in fact, and along with other deficiencies in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that can have a deep, lasting effect on health from childhood through old age. In this episode, she and Dr. Louder discuss common signs that one might be suffering from a deficiency, the connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and micronutrient deficiency, and what to do if you think you or a loved one might be deficient in a nutrient based on the conversation in this podcast episode. This is one to share--the more people know about the signs of nutrient deficiency, and the fact that health issues like scurvy can and do still happen, the more people can find help and recover their health and well-being.

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E8

Episode #28 | April 26, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 7
Did you know there are multiple types and causes of arthritis, even osteoarthritis? In this episode, Mary Louder, DO speaks with Dr. Blake Miller, an orthopedic surgeon, all about the causes of arthritis, the gut-joint connection (because yes, diet can cause joint pain!) and how to prevent osteoarthritis and prolong good health from a holistic, functional medicine perspective. Listen in for the specifics and the tips!

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E7

Episode #27 | April 5, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 6
Michelle Mandala Nigh and Dr. Mary Louder speak about the importance of meaning in lifestyle changes, and about how one can go about finding that meaning via a method of coaching called PERMA. Rather than setting arbitrary goals, PERMA coaching helps you set goals that are meaningful for your life and your individual outlook--your "why"--and therefore, that are easier to make permanent. Listen to get all the details!

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E6

Episode #26 | March 15, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 5
Join Mary Louder, DO and Sarah Seidelmann, MD, as they journey into what the path out of traditional medicine and into holistic, spiritual care looks like. Dr. Seidelmann speaks to her own background in surgical pathology, how she came to be interested in making a new way in life and in her career, and how she now works to heal others in a holistic, mind-body-spirit approach that leans heavily into spiritual practice and deep listening. 

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E5

Episode #25 | February 23, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 4
All about concussions: the symptoms, the actual damage not just to the brain, but to the systems of the whole body, how to detect a concussion, and how to begin healing from a concussion. Mary Louder, DO speaks with Jill Olson, PT, CLT, founder of Peak Performance Physical Therapy and one of the organizers of the Dylan Steiger Concussion Project, about the advances in medicine and physical therapy surrounding concussions over the past 15-20 years, where the science stands now, and how physicians and patients can help to advocate for proper care for concussions, whether they are sustained by young athletes or older adults. Listen for all the details!

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E4

Episode #24 | February 2, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 3
Mary Louder, DO and Carol Ritberger, PhD, continue their discussion regarding Lyme Disease with a conversation all about treatment options for Lyme that can both relieve symptoms and lead to a real cure from this often-stubborn disease. Along the way, they touch on the effects of guilt and shame on the immune system, the efficacy of ozone treatment, and methods of dealing with coinfections that often go along with Lyme disease. Listen in for the details! This is not an episode to miss.

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E3

Episode #23 | January 26, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 2
In our rapidly-changing world, Lyme disease is on the rise. But this concerning infection is nothing new--as Mary Louder, DO and Dr. Carol Ritberger discuss, it's been around for tens of thousands of years, and we're only now beginning to really understand it and test for it effectively. Join them for part one of this deep dive into the history and mystery of Lyme disease, and for hints about where we can go next in diagnosing, treating, and adapting to this increasingly prevalent illness. Next week, be sure to check back for part two, where this duo of docs focuses in on the specifics of treatments to effectively help patients presenting with this disease. 

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E2

Episode #22 | January 5, 2024 | Mary Louder | Season: 3 Episode: 1
Learn all about genomic testing and its ability to personalize healthcare in this latest episode of Since You Put It That Way. After some discussion of genomics and their role in establishing and maintaining well-being and removing shame about aspects of health that may be genomically-based, such as weight gain or slow exercise recovery, Michelle Mandala Nigh coaches Mary Louder, DO in how to improve her cardiovascular fitness using lifestyle medicine. Enjoy this view of how genomic medicine looks in practice!

Transcript here: Transcript for S3:E1

Episode #21 | December 15, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 16
Health Coaching is a fast-growing addition to the landscape of modern American healthcare. Hear all about it--what works, what doesn't, what causes more harm than good--in this episode from Mary Louder, DO and Katie Suleta, trained Epidemiologist and Informaticist, as they discuss the forms health coaching takes. From scope creep to the physician shortage to the doctor-patient relationship and accountability, they dive deep into this topic to bring clarity and guidance to a much-debated field. 

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E16

Episode #20 | December 1, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 15
A discussion of all things Earth, from how toxins affect the body and how detoxification can work, to the benefits found through connecting with the Earth and with others through Earthing practices, to the connectedness of all life and Earth itself. Discover how Earth supports us in our healing journey, and how returning to old wisdom can help us move forward on a holistic, integrative path toward not just physical health, but overall well-being and vitality.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E15

Episode #19 | November 3, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 14
In this episode, Mary Louder, DO talks with Michelle Mandala Nigh all about anxiety, from whether it is helpful or harmful, to what it tells us and how it sends messages to the body, to options for helping people heal from trauma and other mental health issues, whether through medication, therapy, or coaching. Toward the end of the episode, they also touch on how different age groups face mental health work and approach life differently, and finally, to the shift coming in the model of medical care, spurred on by the rise of telemedicine throughout the pandemic. One to listen to, for sure!

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E14

Episode #18 | October 13, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 13
In this continuation of the Cosmic Health and Wellness Series, Mary Louder, DO and Carol Ritberger, PhD discuss grounding: what it is, and why it's important to our overall health and well-being. From the health benefits of touching the earth or sleeping on grounded sheets, to the frequencies of the earth and atmosphere that form the earth's heartbeat, to the frequencies of the various chakras, they talk about the effects of electrical currents on our bodies and minds, and how to get in touch with nature to seek inner peace, heal from trauma, and improve our physical health. Listen in to learn more!

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E13


Episode #17 | September 22, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 12
In this latest installment of Since You Put It That Way: Cosmic Health and Wellness, Mary Louder, DO and Carol Ritberger, PhD discuss how personality and trauma interact--how different personalities may experience trauma, and how trauma leads to health issues even years afterward. Based in Jungian psychology, Dr. Ritberger's perspective on personality combines with Dr. Louder's Self Care and Connection protocol to point the way toward healing trauma and restoring health. 

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E12

Episode #16 | September 1, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 11
All about energy medicine and how it partners with, rather than stands against, modern medicine, this episode features a discussion of the history of energy medicine, the framework through which practitioners of energy medicine view the world, and how working with thoughts, emotions, lifestyle, and even testing and medication all play into a truly holistic, integrative view of healing and getting well. Join Carol Ritberger, PhD, and Mary Louder, DO for this enlightening, informative, and humorous look into energy medicine. 

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E11

Episode #15 | August 11, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 10
Explore the world of cardiogenomics with Dr. Mary Louder and Amanda Archibald, RD as they discuss how genomics play a role in heart health, both in terms of specific genes that cause disorders and in terms of a buildup of genomic variants that add up to cause problems with vascular health. They discuss the role of diet and nutrition, hormones, and more in this comprehensive, holistic look at the different factors that impact cardiovascular wellness and our health overall. Listen to find out more!

If this cardiovascular series has made you curious about your own heart health, you can learn more about and sign up for the Boston Health/Cairn Wellness Cholesterol Panel here.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E10

Episode #14 | July 21, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 9
This episode explores the world of cardiology through a holistic lens. Dr. Louder and Dr. Alicia Williams discuss the many factors that play into cardiovascular health, from hormones to cholesterol to diet and gut health to emotional and mental health and so much more. They highlight unusual symptoms that might point to cardiovascular problems and spotlight women's symptoms in particular, since they can often differ and be more subtle.

If this cardiovascular series has made you curious about your own heart health, you can learn more about and sign up for the Boston Health/Cairn Wellness Cholesterol Panel here.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E9

Episode #13 | June 30, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 8
In this episode, Mary Louder, DO talks with Carol Ritberger, PhD, all about the interconnectedness of various body systems and the heart, and about the role of personality in the causes of inflammation that can in turn lead to heart disease. They talk about emotional health and damaging messaging in the decision-making process of each personality type, and how we can turn away from that messaging to get back to the healing that all our bodies are capable of.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E8

Episode #12 | June 9, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 7
Mary Louder, DO and Carol Ritberger, PhD, speak in this episode about two new studies concerning cholesterol, their common interpretation in the medical community, and the benefits and potential drawbacks of statins. They also discuss the connections between the heart and blood vessels and the liver, spleen, gut, and brain, and how emotional and psychological health can impact cardiovascular health as well. Lots to be learned in this episode--be sure to tune in!

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E7

Episode #11 | May 19, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 6
In this episode, Dr. Mary Louder teaches about cholesterol: about its function in the body, both helpful and not, and how it plays a role in cardiovascular disease if it gets out of balance. She also discusses the many other factors that can play into cardiovascular disease, and how a holisitic, lifestyle medicine focus can help reduce this major cause of mortality in our society.

Also, Dr. Louder introduces her new community, which you can join for free here to learn more about various topics in health and wellness. Joining is free, though there are also paid levels that include courses and/or health coaching.

Last but not least, if this episode has made you curious about your own cholesterol and how it might impact your health, you can learn more about and sign up for the Boston Health/Cairn Wellness Cholesterol Panel here.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E6

Episode #10 | April 28, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 5
In this episode, Dr. Mary Louder talks with Carol Ritberger, Ph.D., about the accuracy of medical intuition and medical intuitives, which studies have shown is incredibly high. They also talk about how medical intuition shows up differently for different practitioners, while having a common underpinning, and how intuition and intuitives fit within the broader healthcare system.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E5

Episode #9 | April 7, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 4
Dr. Mary Louder talks with Carol Ritberger, Ph.D., about what Intuitive Medicine is, how it can work hand-in-hand with traditional medicine, and the different paths into intuitive medicine. They also discuss how at the heart of it, all healing is self-healing, and how emotional healing and physical healing are connected.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E4

Episode #8 | February 6, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 3
In this episode, Dr. Louder talks with Amanda Archibald, a certified nutritionist and author of the book The Genomic Kitchen, about the emerging field of nutrigenomics and how to eat to support your body based on your genomic code.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E3

Episode #7 | February 3, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 2
In this episode, Dr. Louder talks about patient engagement--what it is, why it's essential to positive outcomes in healthcare, the challenges in creating and maintaining it, and how we can overcome those challenges to improve the doctor-patient relationship and create a better path forward toward health and wellness.

She also asks a series of questions in the podcast, which you can find in a downloadable format here. She would love it if you would email your responses to hello(at)drmarylouder(dot)com.

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E2

Episode #6 | January 6, 2023 | Mary Louder | Season: 2 Episode: 1
A conversation with Lynn Swearingen, a teacher at the Psychic Horizons Center in Boulder, CO, and a massage therapist and practitioner of acupressure with twenty-nine years of experience in holistic medicine. In this episode, she and Dr. Louder discuss, through the lens of indigenous practices and other holistic theories, emotional and mental wellness and the power of connection with one's own self and others to promote healing from trauma, grief, and anxiety..

Transcript here: Transcript for S2:E1

Episode #5 | December 9, 2022 | Mary Louder | Season: 1 Episode: 5
A higher-level explanation of trauma and how to find our way through it to hope and healing, including a practice from the Self-Care and Connection protocol.

Transcript here: Transcript for S1:E5

Episode #4 | November 15, 2022 | Mary Louder | Season: 1 Episode: 4
A conversation with Me, Myself and I about intuition and deep listening, and how learning to deeply listen to myself over these past four years has changed my life and work.

Transcript here: Transcript for S1:E4

Episode #3 | November 15, 2022 | Mary Louder | Season: 1 Episode: 3
In this episode, Dr. Louder talks to Scott Russo, MD, about the process of "prehabilitation"--getting patients ready for the experience of surgery or a life-changing diagnosis by strengthening them in body, mind, and spirit.

Transcript here: Transcript for S1:E3

Prehabilitation FAQ here: Prehabilitation FAQ

Episode #2 | September 30, 2022 | Mary Louder | Season: 1 Episode: 2
In this episode, Mary Louder, DO talks with Martha Jo Atkins, an end-of-life counselor and author of the book Signposts of Dying, about approaches to the end of life and what the end of life means for the rest of our lives.

Transcript here: Transcript for S1:E2

Episode #1 | September 21, 2022 | Mary Louder | Season: 1 Episode: 1
Meet our host and hear all about our podcast in this inaugural episode of "Since You Put It That Way"!

Transcript here: Transcript for S1:E1