The Hero’s Genome™

Become the hero of your own health.  Learn how to best care for yourself and how to make informed choices regarding your health journey. You got this! Let’s go!

Human stories are powerful and the power of your story is transformative.  

You want to have the power to change your health and the power to get well, to be well and to live well.  The Hero's Genome supports that story by providing real direction through DNA testing.  While this is not diagnostic, it is informative and transformative.  Many people may have the same diagnosis or health issue, but for many different reasons.  Just like there may be many roads into one city.  Everybody's journey is different. What is amazing is that all of our human DNA is almost identical, greater than 99.5% and yet it is the subtle differences when exposed to each of our own environments and conditions that give us our own unique "health signature".  

Your story is your signature, by way of your DNA and biochemistry. Letting your DNA guide your choices can lead you to improved health, recovery of your health and perhaps even more longevity. This is true for your mind, body and spirit.

Here is how the Hero's Genome works for you:

  1. Joining our community and getting your testing completed is your first step to knowing more about what your pathways and patterns for health actually are. 

  2. You work closely with a trained physician and health coaches to achieve your individualized goals. 

  3. You are a part of a transformative community whose purpose is to transform their health one step, one idea, one pathway at a time. 

  4. We know that by having groups of people focusing on similar goal, yet working in their own lives can be a powerful way to help shape thoughts, patterns, behaviors and outcomes.  The power of community is real. 

  5. Your specific questions are answered by understanding your genomics and how your environment and choices impact your genome. This is a two way street and you learn how to navigate the way.